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The flyer displays a healthcare provider in a blue scrub with crossed arms and smiling on the left side of the flyer. In the background, there are three healthcare providers (one male and two females). The flyer contains the name Odyssey Home Health Care with the business address right under the name.
Below the address, on a gray background "Join Our Team" words are typed.
At the bottom of the left side of the flyer, there is the business address and email. 
On the right side of the flyer, there is a green/gray curvy lines vector design and the business logo in the top right corner.

21032 Devonshire St., Suite 205, Chatsworth, CA 91311

Tel: (818)527-1117      Fax: (818)638-7348      Email:

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©2024 by Odyssey Home Health Care, Inc.

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